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Salford SU cares deeply about what its members, you students, think. We are here to make your time better, to advocate for you, and to help you out when things go wrong. The only way we can do that is if you tell us how you want your time at University to be better. Rather than waiting for you to come to us our commitment is that we will come to where you are. Our entire democracy is based around a simple but radical concept. Students are really busy, their issues are too complicated to capture in a one off meeting every four weeks, and as a students’ union our role is to support our officers to spend as much time with you as possible. This means no student councils, no annual meetings to approve finances from a year ago, and no wasting your time asking you to turn up to things you don’t care about.

Instead, our democracy is made real through interactions between the students’ union and students. Our officers will spend their time talking to students on the things that are in their manifestos to get feedback, views and ideas. We want to hear more from our course representatives and society leaders who we will find opportunity to bring together more times throughout the year. You are close to student issues and we need to make more of that. With the feedback you give us we will set out campaigns, speak to the University, and communicate with you on what is going on. If you do not think we are working on the right things, or you have more ideas, you can either hold us to account out our regular accountability sessions which will be advertised on social media @SalfordSU or through our ideas button.

The main thing is that our democracy only works where we know what students want. Our commitment is to be with you, put you in front of decision makers to tell them what is going on, and to advocate on your behalf. In return, all we ask is that you get to know your officers and listen out for what they are up to.