What even is ReciteMe?! 🤔



One thing you might not know about our website is that we have an accessibility tool called ReciteMe...

To find this, head to the top of this page and you'll see ''Accessibility'' - click on this!



A tool bar will appear at the top of your browser, and this selection of 19 BUTTONS (woo) will come up! 👇



WE KNOW! At first it might look a bit overwhelming... but it's very easy to use!

(Trust me, I was clueless when I first used it, but now I'm here to be your guide!)

ReciteMe is a built in accessibility toolbar that you can customise to suit your needs and preferences with features like Text To Speech and Reading Aids!

On the toolbar, there are 19 buttons that all have a different function...


  • Previous 
  • Play
  • Next
  • Decrease text size
  • Text options
  • Focus text
  • Increase text size
  • Translation 
  • Colour theme
  • Ruler
  • Cursor options
  • Screen mask options
  • Text mode
  • Dictionary
  • Magnifier
  • Download audio
  • Settings
  • Reset tool bar
  • User guide

Let's break down a few of the main features...


Text To Speech

The Text To Speech function is an audio tool that reads out written content. Simply navigate to the text you want to read using the previous and next buttons, and press play! You can even download the audio content to listen back to!


Translation Made Easy...

ReciteMe technology is able to translate any webpage into over 100 different languages...

Just click the translation button on the toolbar, search your language, et voilà — you're good to go!


Styling and Customisation

You can also adjust the font size, line height, and spacing to make our website easier to access!

Prefer different colours? The colour wheel lets you switch things up to suit your needs.

Struggling with visual clutter? Text mode removes distractions so you can focus on what matters.

You can even tailor the cursor to work better for you!


Reading Aids

Our reading aids are superrrrrr simple... head over to the toolbar, where theres a ruler, a screen mask option, a dictionary, and a magnifier, and simply click the desired box to activate!

You can then use the cursor to place the ruler or screen mask on the page - I find this can help with keeping me on track when reading. The dictionary is helpful for any wordy articles or anything you don't understand!

The magnifier is also really easy to use, just click the button and it'll appear on your screen (not magic, totally helpful)


And there you are, the more you know! Now you know the basics, put them to the test! Give it a go yourself, the best way to learn is by practicing!
