About Us

The team has a very friendly atmosphere and welcomes all newcomers, from those who have never thrown a disc to those who have played at European Championship level.


Do I Need Experience To Join?

Absolutely Not! The club offers the chance to learn this exciting new sport so come and join a great society and have great fun whilst you do it.


What Are Trainings Like?

We have weekly indoor training sessions with outdoor sessions in the second semester. All levels of experience are accommodated and can advance. Indoor training sessions run on Fridays (starting on Sept 22nd, 2023) between 6pm-7pm at the University of Salford Sports Hall (map in 'Training Times, Venues & Costs' tab.) These sessions are advertised as Give It A Go sessions because anyone can come along and it's free!

We also sign-post players to the local club trainings based on eligibility - please see 'Training Times & Venues' tab located above for more details! Please note, these trainings are not in conjuction with University of Salford Ultimate team but the various different clubs are very welcoming!


What Are Tournaments Like?

Ultimate tournaments are held over the weekend (Sat & Sun) at other sports centres across the country.

We've traveled to Bangor, Liverpool, Leeds, York and Newcastle to play at these tournaments during the day but also to sample the Saturday night nightlife too! If there is enough interest, we will arrange a tournament abroad. Some of our players have played tournaments in different countries:

  • Belgium
  • Cayman Islands
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Lithuania
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Club Life

The club also has excellent links to the local Ultimate sporting community which allows players to attend extra training sessions and allows them to compete on a regional, national and international level.

We also welcome players that want to play for the social aspect only as we do enter 'fun' tournaments, organise friendlies with other teams and just love to play pick-up games!

We're a really friendly and inclusive sports club that try to organise as many activities as possible, from sober socials (e.g. boardgames night, mini-golf, bowling, film nights) to big nights out (and sometimes in different cities if we have a tournament there!).

Email: salfordultimate@gmail.com



Fridays, 18:00-19:00, UoS Sports Hall

Unsure of the area or unable to find us, get in touch and we'll be able to show you where to go!