About Us

Although Manchester might not be renowned as a diver’s paradise, we’re actually pretty close to some of the best dive sites in the U.K and we can take you there. Whatever reason you have for wanting to learn to dive or if you already hold Diving Qualifications, you’re welcome at the club.

We organize trips all over the UK and abroad to make sure that everyone gets a chance to put their qualifications into action. Some of the world’s best dive sites are on our doorstep and we try and make sure we visit them as often as possible.

As well as having fun, making new friends, enjoying social events and being able to explore the amazing underwater world, learning to dive will equip you with loads of transferable skills. Learning to scuba dive is a great way to improve your communication and team working skills, as well as giving you access to the beautiful underwater world that so few people ever get to see. Diving is also a great add-on to many courses offered at Salford University.

We are a British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) Branch and offer BSAC training for all levels of divers. More information about training and levels can be found on the BSAC website.

For any questions please email us at ussusubaqua@gmail.com