About Us

Welcome to the University of Salford's Midwifery Society!! Our aim is to give you an opportunity to access midwifery-inspired workshops and events for free or at a reduced cost!

There will be regular social events which are inclusive to all cohorts, giving you the opportunity to meet other year groups and socialise.

We aim to celebrate Midwifery, each other and your journeys as you train at Salford.


Useful Resources


Academic Support


NMC's The Code
Saving Babies' Lives
Better Births
Each Baby Counts
NICE Evidence Search
NICE Guidelines
Dr Sara Wickham
Royal College of Midwives


Student Support

Student Minds
University Counselling Service
Rafiki Peer Support


Contacting Us

You can contact us via e-mail at ussumidwifery@gmail.com

We are also on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook - @ussumidwifery

See one of us in University or on placement? Come and say hello! We're always more than happy to chat.