About Us

Manchester Metros is an external Ice Hockey team which our students join. Joining up to this is slightly different than other clubs, whereas memberships cannot be purchased through the SU. If you are interested in joining, this is great news and please contact the SU on USSU-teamsalford@salford.ac.uk to be put in contact with them. Or alternatively, send them a message on their facebook page highlighted above.

The Manchester Metros are the university Ice Hockey club for all students (and staff!) from Salford, MMU, UoM and other north-west universities!

We have three teams that play in the British Universities Ice Hockey Association at Checking Division 2, Non-Checking Division 1, and Non-Checking Division 3. All three teams will also play in an end of year weekend tournament in Sheffield! The Metros A team also play in an annual varsity game against the Leeds Gryphons which attracts 500+ fans!

We welcome all skill levels from absolute beginners with no ice-skating ability to semi-pro players, so everybody is invited to come join the Metros! Contact ussu-sport@salford.ac.uk about joining.

As well as this we would like to highlight we also welcome all 1st year alumni and Salford staff to play for the Metros too! You are all eligible.



Training times are subject to change so keep updated with us.

Mondays and Fridays


Matches: 23:45 start

Planet Ice Altrincham, Oakfield Road, Altrincham, Manchester, WA15 8EW