About Us

New around here? Want to make new and cool friends but at the same time get in shape and learn new things? Lucky you! Here we are!

We are the UoS Kickboxing Society, a society that gives you the opportunity to learn self-defense, to improve your fitness levels, make new friends and why not, be part of some of our regional competitions.

We have regular socials and external training, but in order to find more about this you need to pay us a visit or get in touch using our social media platforms. PS: We only train with registered professionals who will make sure you are safe while improving your skills.



Mondays, 18:00-19:00, Allerton Sports Hall

Wednesdays, 17:00-18:00, Allerton Sports Hall

We train 2x a week in uni and if you think you can do more, we also train with an external club.

The fees are £4.00 per session but we have few offers for the regulars and obviously, first session is free.