About Us

Salford SU Fencing-Club is open to all skills and anyone who is interested in fencing. We train with all three swords (Foil, Epee, Sabre) having both experienced fencers and coaches on hand to help. Ultimately the best way to relieve the stress of University is having a sword fight!

We try to maintain a diversity of students, from freshers to dissertation writers, we welcome all. In this regard the social aspect has always been important to the club; from visits to the SU pub after training, internally arranged socials and our attendance to the infamous SU Rec night. All of which encourage lasting friendships over the year. It’s always amusing to test these friendships with a duel though!

The club arranges a variety of competitions with participation based on how much each member wishes to be involved but we do encourage everyone to have a go at our biannual internal club competitions, the winner of which usually receives a splendid cake! However, we do more serious inter-club/university competitions and for the keenest fencers, there is the possibility of entering BUCS competitively.

Overall, we maintain an open club with a good range of people who are very sporting (a lot of honesty is required to Fence), a good variety of socials are planned and the opportunity to test what members have learned is always around the corner.



Wednesdays, 19:00-21:00: Allerton Hall

Fridays, 18:00-21:00: Allerton Hall