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"I’m honoured to serve as your Student Union President for this year. Having recently completed my degree in Biomedical Science, I’ve had the privilege of being an active member of our vibrant university community. My journey here has been filled with numerous opportunities that have allowed me to engage with various aspects of campus life.

Throughout my time at university, I’ve taken on roles such as Course Representative and School Representative, which have given me a unique insight into the academic and social needs of our student body., I’ve always been passionate about making our university a better place for all students. In addition to my involvement on campus, I’ve been heavily volunteering with different charities since 2017, which has been a deeply rewarding experience. It taught me the importance of compassion, community, and the profound impact that helping others can have—values that I bring with me into my role as your President.

As your President, my top priorities are to tackle loneliness within our student community and to address the cost-of-living crisis that so many of us are facing. I’m committed to creating more opportunities for students to connect, ensuring that no one feels isolated, and working on practical solutions to help alleviate the financial pressures we’re all experiencing. Whether it’s advocating for your academic needs, organising events that bring us together, or working on initiatives to enhance your university experience, I’m here to represent and serve you in every way I can.

I’m looking forward to the year ahead and can’t wait to collaborate with you to create lasting memories and meaningful change. Let’s make this year one that we’ll all be proud of."


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