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Here are some great reasons why you should vote...

1. The incredible voter incentives!

Yes you heard that right...every voting milestone we hit there will be MASSIVE giveaways on campus! Each day you can take part in our live poll to choose your next incentive - all available throughout the week if you show evidence of voting at the elections voting stand!

ALSO! This year we are re-introducing our massive Elections Raffle! Each vote counts as a raffle ticket, and you could win a range of prizes from Stanley cups to an all expenses holiday!


2. Choose who you want to campaign for change!

Our officer team runs campaigns on subjects that matter to you – whether that’s cost of living, racial inequalities, or creating safer spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community. By voting for an officer that shares your values, you can help them to make changes you want to see!


3. Influence and inform university level decisions!

Officers will ensure that your voice is heard at all levels within the University. By voting, you can have your say on who you want to speak on your behalf!


4. Have a say where money is spent!

As a charitable organisation, the SU officers have influence over where budgets are spent – so choosing the right officer team is essential! This could include new student facilities on campus, big student events and also how much money goes to each society.

Above all else, we run elections to let our candidates show YOU how they can enhance YOUR student experience!