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The Students' Union operates a zero tolerance approach to all forms of sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour.

What is sexual harassment/misconduct? *trigger warning*

Sexual harassment is not just about physical touching or groping - the term can also be applied to any unwanted and persistent behaviour of a sexual nature.

Sexual harassment therefore includes but is not limited to:

  • Unwanted sexual comments (including comments about someone’s body or private life).
  • Unwelcome sexual invitations, innuendos, and offensive gestures.
  • Wolf whistling, catcalling, or offensive sexual noises.
  • Groping, pinching or smacking someone’s body.
  • Tugging, pulling or lifting up someone’s clothing.
  • Exposure of sexual organs.
  • Demands for sexual acts/favours.
  • Stalking.

Other sexual misconduct can include:

  • Rape
  • Penetration with hands or object
  • Manipulation into sexual activity
  • Consent gained through lies or false information
  • Removal of condoms without consent
  • Continuation of sexual activity after a person has changed their minds
  • Any sexual activity without clear verbal consent

We believe that everyone has a duty to challenge sexual harassment and that everyone has a responsibility to make our Union a safe space for all students. If we ignore sexual harassment, we are complicit in it.


How does the Students’ Union deal with cases of sexual misconduct?


The Union takes a firm Zero Tolerance stance towards any form of sexual harassment and this means that we will not tolerate it in any of our spaces or at any of our events. Anyone who commits any form of sexual harassment will be immediately removed from our premises and may be disciplined for their actions. We will always take reports and concerns of sexual harassment and assault extremely seriously, always believing the word of those who have been harassed and/or those who are survivors of assault. We will deal with such incidences confidentially and as quickly as possible.


If you experience sexual misconduct whilst at the Union or Union-run events


You can report the incident(s) to any member of Union staff and they will take the details of the perpetrator and they will immediately be removed from the building. Staff will also inform you as to how to follow up on the complaint.

In Atmosphere we have the following provisions on offer:

  • "Ask for Angela" scheme at the bar for at any point you feel uncomfortable and we can give you help and assistance
  • Drink covers for cups
  • Bottle stoppers with straw space for bottles



Who can I contact for support?


On Campus

  • Report and Support: University disclosure team to make a report with the University (separate from the police) and where they can talk you through support and next steps. This can be done in your name or anonymously
  • Advice: If you make an appointment with our Advice Team in the Students' Union, we can talk you through our signposting options and see what option is best for the support you need. We can also help with any housing, academic or finance issues you may be having as a result.
  • AskUs: The on-campus wellbeing and welfare service where you can register for talking therapy services.


Within Greater Manchester

  • St Mary's Centre: Community Service offering sexual health screenings (for STIs), emergency contraception, forensic testing (within 10 days of the incident that you can choose whether or not to give to the police), immediate crisis support to survivors of all genders. Telephone: 0161 276 6515 (24/7)
  • MRC: Female survivors of sexual misconduct community service who provide support, talking therapy and a helpline, as well as a specific student service. Telephone: 0161 273 4500. Email:
  • Survivors Manchester: Male survivors (including male trans and non-binary) of sexual misconduct community service who provide support, talking therapy and a helpline. Telephone: 0808 800 5005. Email:



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